My work

Stěhuj FM
stehujfm.czSimple static page for moving company Stehuj FM. Features a nice overview of their information and services.
MAVI Apartments
maviapartments.czElegant website for MAVI aparments in Cyprus with integration of reservation system and an overview in its own administration.
Original Baseball Restaurant Arrows
restaurace.arrows.czStylish page for the restaurant Arrows with table reservations. Administration allows reservation management and updating the menu.
Malý svět kindergarten
malysvet.euA modern and clean site for the Malý svět kindergarten, which at first glance is in line with the focus.
Malý svět kindergarten
infinitumgame.devA modern website for the INFINITUM game captures its unique atmosphere and provides all the information players need.
Fénixcraft store
obchod.fenixcraft.czI redesigned an outdated webstore of the Fénixcraft game server. I have managed to insert the new code into the original one.
Fénixcraft store
musicstation.ggA page for a music bot on the Discord platform. The site is formatted in the colours of the Discord platform and offers a general overview of the bot.
Michal prokop
mistrmisak.euA personal website that I created for my long-time friend who is into customer communication and PR in general.